Friday, September 26, 2008

Official Google Blog: Project 10^100

Official Google Blog: Project 10^100

I few hours ago, I posted an idea to Google's project 10^100.

It's a simple idea but I think it's hard to turn to reality:

1. build a web community
2. people can come to this community and write down what they like and what's their style.
3. Match via following ways
a. System match the people together via their style and their preferences.
b. People can write down their style and where they will show up in which day
4. System can give them some symbols to those people who might meet together(in the subway or shopping mall, etc)
5. People takes photos or leave messages for their meets.

Source of idea: more and more people feel alone in the modern cities, we found a way for them to meet similar people and make friends each other, or each just for funs.

100 cars will meet together in a weekend 3 PM at Wangfujing Street, and they wear the same color clothes or wear same brand hats.

Give people a chance to know you, give people a chance to talk to new face friends. And then keep in touch in a community.
I think this will solve many social or mentality problems of people.

Hope project 1-^100 can find more funny ideas from people.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Ajaxian » What if we didn’t lump all “accessibility” requirements together?

Ajaxian » What if we didn’t lump all “accessibility” requirements together?

This is the similar question with my last post.
What if we didn't have all "accessibility, usability and availability, etc" requirements?

Using prototypes to demostrate your design is okay, but it may need more involvement of user.

It's easy to demo or create a new page, but it's hard to define the BEST.

80/20 policy is used here. And we need user's agreement on the requirements defined.
This is the key.

InfoQ: How to Handle Unfinished Stories?

InfoQ: How to Handle Unfinished Stories?
In Chris Sims' post, he summarized the experiences of David Starr of dealing with unfinished Stories.

One way to track progress is to give 80% of the point value of the story to the team for the current sprint. At first blush, this approach seems to accurately reflect the state of things, and may help keep the team's recorded velocity from varying up and down, sprint to sprint. It also has a certain amount 'feel good' value for the team. However, this approach has significant risk. The story is not verifiably done and the amount of time and effort that will be needed to get to 'done' isn't really known.

A second possibility is to split the story into smaller stories and take credit for the ones that can be considered done. To the extent that some of the smaller stories are truly 'done', this can reduce the risk associated with the 'partial credit' approach. It also allows the product owner to make some decisions about the relative importance of the unfinished stories.

In our projects, we seldom met the same issue. Most of the time, we can finish the stories on time, but sometimes we will also find that we were getting trouble on a certain user story. Most of the time, the issue is, the user story is developed, but it's not the same as expected of user. It's a common issue that user doesn't really aware of what they need. But in a formal development team, we must count our efforts so that we can really know our TRUE velocity in a certain cycle. In this case, usually we will adopt the second approach of David. We will split the user story into smaller user stories, and keep higher priority for unfinished user story in the next iteration.

But here comes my question, if the user story is finished, but we found it's not perfect enough for user, what should we do?

To satisfy user is one of the most important thing we should be aware of in an agile project. But most of the time, user only say "I need something but I don't know what it exactly looks like, I need your help". You can not exactly define what's the final quality requirement of user. So, you will get the feedback like "Yes, it works, but I think there are something we can improve, but I don't know where they are...".

How you deal with this in your experiences?

Friday, September 19, 2008


  1. 第一型
  2. 第二型
  3. 第三型
  4. 第四型
  5. 第五型
  6. 第六型
  7. 第七型
  8. 第八型
  9. 第九型


  • 看重自己的表現和成就。
  • 講究效率。
  • 喜歡競爭,避免失敗。
  • 相信愛情來自你能提供甚麼,而不在於你是誰。
  • 只關注事物積極的方面,不理會消極負面的信息。
  • 重視效率、比賽、贏。
  • 難以瞭解個人的感覺。在工作的時候把感情放到了一邊。
  • 為爭取認可而打造有利形象。公眾形象屬於社會高層人物。
  • 在真正自我和工作角色之間會產生困惑。
  • 通過集合思維的方式集中注意力,通過多渠道來尋找問題的答案。
  • 能夠下意識地調整自我形象,以為調整地形象就是個人的真我。

Monday, August 25, 2008

跨国公司 领导人培养的经典案例 - 挂树上的蚂蚱 - gyqdf - 和讯博客

跨国公司 领导人培养的经典案例 - 挂树上的蚂蚱 - gyqdf - 和讯博客






Sunday, August 17, 2008



成功是一种习惯,失败也是一种习惯。你的习惯无法改变,但可以用好的习惯来替代。成功很简单,只要简单的事情重复做,养成习惯,如此而已。 以下是成功者十三个价值连城的习惯,我们称之为"百万元的习惯"。









习惯五:写日记。 写日记的法则:一、保持弹性,重表达思想,而不用太多严格规则;二、持续;三、用来设计你的生命价值和中心思想;四、记录每件事情的差异化;五、记录特殊时刻及事件;六、解决问题;七、学习问更好的问题;八、在日记上写下自己的宣言;九、把每日写下的东西在月底复习;十、深刻自己的记忆和经验。















Thursday, July 24, 2008

checked their hats at the door - Google Search

checked their hats at the door - Google Search: "They checked their coats, hats, gloves, and canes at the door (each of the gentlemen had one of each)."

A good phrase to learn. :) ~~~from my big boss :)

InfoQ: Tasktop 1.2: Enhanced Time Tracking/Reporting and a New, Free Version

InfoQ: Tasktop 1.2: Enhanced Time Tracking/Reporting and a New, Free Version

Everything in Eclipse?

Maybe someone would like it, but not to me .

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Leading Open Source Middleware in Action

OW2 Members present and demonstrate leading OW2 projects working together to provide a full-featured open source information system.

The conference covers a range of complementary middleware from OW2:

  • Exo WebOS as the portal
  • XWiki as the extensible wiki
  • Bonita as the Workflow
  • JOnAS as the application server
  • SpagoBI as the Business Intelligence platform
  • Talend as the Data Integration platform
  • PEtALS as ESB and Service infrastructure platform
  • Orchestra as BPEL orchestration engine
  • Spagic as enterprise monitoring platform

Very good audio to hear.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

ZK Roadmap 2008

First of all, I'd like to thank all of you for your continuous enthusiasm about ZK. Without your support, ZK won't be able to accomplish the wonderful achievements ever. Only within two years, ZK has accumulated over half a million downloads. The list of customers, ranging from small to Fortune 500 companies, is growing fast. The deployment of ZK is moving from pioneer projects to the de facto standard for rich Internet applications in many companies.

首先,我要感谢所有对ZK一直满怀热忱的你们。没有你们的支持,ZK不可能取得到今天为止如此令人惊奇的成就。仅仅两年间,ZK已经累计有超过50万以上的下载了。我们的用户列表中,从小公司到财富500强企业,一直在快速地增加。在很多公司中,ZK的部署也从一些是实验性项目转变成实际的RIA(Rich Internet Application)标准。

The most important of all is that tens of thousands developers are enjoying the power of "Simply Rich." Developing a rich Internet application can be and shall be easier than developing a desktop application. ZK is not yet another Ajax framework. Rather, a new generation of Web application development.

在所有这一切中最重要的是,成千上万的开发人员正在享受着“Simple Rich”的强大能量。开发一个RIA可以被、也应该比开发一个桌面应用更为简单。ZK仍然不是一个新的Ajax框架。而是Web应用开发的新一代。

It is our driving force to carry ZK to a higher level. Here I'd like to share the new development of ZK in 2008 with you. Your feedback is highly appreciated.




Year 2007 was a busy year for us to deliver new concepts to simplify the Ajax application development, such as fulfill on demand, event forwarding and MVC by composer. In 2008, we will emphasize more on providing more documents and better integration with the development tools.




The long-awaiting Style Reference Guide and Component Development Guide will be published in 2008. Style Reference Guide will demostrate how to customize the look and feel for each component with pure CSS. Component Development Guide will describe how to implement a component either from scratch or by wrapping a third-party widget.

等待已久的风格参考指南和组件开发指南将会在2008年发布。风格参考指南将会示范如何通过纯粹的CSS为每个组件客户化其外观(Look and feel)。组件开发指南将会描述从零开始、或者从封装第三方widget的方式实现一个组件。

In addition, we will keep exploring new concepts and new ways to apply features through small talks. For example, many of application-specific features can be done by use of annotations, such as multilingual and Web service integration.

另外,我们将继续探索新的概念和方式,通过小型的对话来应用功能特性。例如,许多应用特有的功能可以通过使用注解(Annotation)来完成,例如多语言的和web service集成。

Development Tools


Cooperating with the third parties is still our main approach to provide the better integration with the development tools. For example, REM for NetBeans, and Zero Kode, zk-bench, and eZing Builder for Eclipse.

与第三方合作,仍然是我们提供与开发工具更好地集成的主要方法。例如,针对NetBeans的REM,以及针对Eclipse的Zero Kode,zk-bench和eZing Builder。

In 2008, we are going to take a step further. First, we will provide an Eclipse plugin to simplify the creation of ZK applications and ZUML files, and to provide better integration with Zero Kode. Many of them shall be done with no more than a few mouse clicks.

在2008年,我们打算走得更远。首先,我们将会提供一个Eclipse插件,用来简化ZK应用以及ZUML文件的创建,同时提供与Zero Kode更好的集成。很多的这类操作将会通过不多的几次鼠标点击就能完成。

Second, we will explore the possibility of translating UML into ZUML automatically by providing a plugin for, say, Umbrello UML Modeller and/or Rational Rose.

其次,我们将会探索通过提供一个插件,类似于Umbrello UML Modeller和/或Rational Rose,将UML自动转换成ZUML。



ZK is one of the most complete frameworks delivering versatile rich user experiences. But, we don't stop, and instead, we will keep providing more components and more richness, The most notables are ZK Spreadsheet, more third-party components, and 508 compliance.

ZK是能够提供多元化的丰富用户体验的最完整框架的一员。但是,我们不会止步不前,反之,我们会持续地提供更多的组件以及更丰富、最显著的ZK电子表格,更多第三方组件,以及对修复法案508(译者注:在 1998 年,美国政府通过了 Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act,要求联邦机构的电子信息对于残疾人是可访问的。这一法案提供了软件应用 程序、Web 应用程序以及电信产品和视频产品的可访问性准则。不仅要求联邦机构实施可访问性准则,而且还要求签约为联邦政府工作的私人公司也要做到这一 点)的支持。

ZK Spreadsheet


ZK Spreadsheet is one of the most important development in 2008. Unlike Microsoft Excel, it is Web-based. Unlike Google Spreadsheets, it has a neat and powerful Java API that is 100% controllable and customizable. You can embed any number of ZK spreadsheets into your Web page(s). Best of all, it is open source.

ZK 电子表格在2008年是最重要的开发内容之一。不像微软的Excel,它是基于web的。不像Google的电子表格,它有一个简洁而强大的Java API,100%可控并可客户化。你可以在你的网页中嵌入任意数量的ZK电子表格。而最美好之处就是,它是开源的。

Third-party Components


In 2008, we will keep cooperating with contributors to integrate more components from third parties, such as Ext-JS, Codepress, and SMILE.


508 Compliance


We had some progress in 508 compliance in 2007. However, it's still a long way to go. We will keep improving the accessibility of ZK in 2008.




To work better with existent applications, to integrate seamlessly with other frameworks and to reach more devices, we introduced ZK JSP Tags, ZK JSF Components, ZK Seam, ZK Seasar, native namespaces, XML output, pluggable script interpreters, pluggable expression evaluators, and ZK Mobile in 2007.

为了更好地与现有应用一起使用,为了集成与其他框架的无缝结合并能够支持更多的设备,在2007年里,我们引入了ZK JSP Tags,ZK JSF组件,ZK Seam,ZK Seasar,native namespaces,XML输出,可插入脚本拦截器,可插入表达式计算程序以及ZK Mobile。

In 2008, we will keep delivering updates to these extensions, and explore the best practice to work with them. In addition, we will keep on enabling your ZK applications to reach as many and various clients as possible.


Flash, AIR and Android

Like ZK Mobile, we will keep pushing your ZK applications to reach as many and versatile clients as possible, such as Flash player, AIR and Android. In addition, we'd like to explore the possibility of using, say, Flash CS3 to design a ZK page. It is interesting to see the chemistry that can be achieved by combining the simplicity of ZK's server-centric architecture with the versatile functionality of rich clients.

类似于ZK Mobile,我们将会继续使你的ZK应用能尽可能多地用在各种客户端里,例如Flash播放器,AIR和Android。另外,我们还想探索使用例如Flash CS3这类工具来设计ZK页面的可能性。能够看到联合ZK以server为中心的架构的简单性和富客户端的多样性之后产生的效果,这一定是件非常有趣的事。

Integration with Other Frameworks


We will upgrade the support of JSF from 1.1 to 1.2, and Seam from 1.2 to 2.0. We will also provide more utilities for variant frameworks, such as JPA, BMP, and Web services.


Scripting Languages


With the help of contributors, ZK has supported the most mainstream scripting language: Java (BeanShell), JavaScript (Rhino), Ruby (JRuby), Groovy (and Grails), and Python (Jython) in 2007.

通过贡献者的努力,在2007年ZK已经支持了最主流的脚步语言:Java (BeanShell), JavaScript (Rhino), Ruby (JRuby), Groovy (and Grails), 以及 Python (Jython)

In 2008, we'd like to explore the best practice to use ZK with the scripting languages -- particularly, how to boost the productivity of developing a rich Internet application with a dynamic programming language.

在2008年,我们希望能探索出一些ZK与脚本语言一起使用的最佳实践 -- 特别是,如何采用一种动态编程语言一起,提升开发RIA的生产力。



An open-source community is all about collaboration. ZK started with a superior architecture that is easy to extend, and with a friendly community who loves to share. We saw a lot of collaboration among the ZK community, such as contributing codes, translating messages, submitting articles, suggesting features, reporting bugs, and answering questions in 2007. In 2008, we will enhance the website to encourage collaboration further. For example, the forum will be renewed with ZK Forum.

对于一个开源社区来说,所有的一切都是关于协作。ZK以一个易于扩展的、优越的架构,和一个友好的、大家喜欢分享的社区开始。在2007年里,我们在ZK社区中看到了很多的协作,例如贡献代码,翻译信息,提交文章,建议功能特性,报告bugs,以及回答问题。在2008年,我们会改善我们的网站,鼓励更进一步的协作。例如,论坛将会使用ZK Forum更新。

Wish you a prosperous 2008 and enjoy "Simply Rich" of ZK!
祝愿你又一个顺利的2008,同时能够尽兴于Zk的“Simple Rick”中。
Yours Sincerely,

Tom M. Yeh
Founder, ZK

Disclaimer: This roadmap is for information only and represents current view of ZK product direction. None of the information should be interpreted as a commitment on the part of Potix Corporation. POTIX MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT.


Monday, May 5, 2008

Ajax framework ZK series for Chinese developers

Recently I have some chances to use Ajax in my project, I will use this chance to translate some articles of ZK framework to Chinese and publish to my Chinese Blog

ZK Architecture Overview/ZK架构一览

ZK Architecture Overview Chinese Edition

Architecture Overview




Over a decade of evolution, Web applications evolved from static HTML pages, to Dynamic HTML pages, to applets and Flash, and, finally, to Ajax technologies.


Challenges in Ajax


When providing the interactivity to fulfill user’s demand, Ajax increases the complexities of applications and skill prerequisites to the already costly development of Web applications.


  • Incompatible and buggy JavaScript API among different browsers
  • 在不同浏览器间不可共存且容易产生bug的Javascript API
  • Maintenance overhead to replicate business logic at the client, particular in a different programming language.
  • 对于用户来说重复业务逻辑产生的维护开销,尤其是在不同的编程语言情况下
  • Danger of exposition of application data model and business logic to the client
  • 经应用数据模型和业务逻辑暴露给用户的危险
  • Communication headache to maintain data consistency between the client and the server asynchronously
  • 令人头疼的使客户端和服务器端保持一致的异步通信。

Current Solutions


In order to deliver a manageable Ajax solution, many frameworks or libraries have been developed. The most straight forward way is to provide ready-to-use JavaScript components. However, application developers have to manipulate these components, glue them with business logic at the client, and develop an application-specific way to exchange data with the server dynamically.


In short, only the first one of above challenges was addressed. The rest of challenges, more or less, remain the hassles of application developers. Is it intrinsic to the development of Web applications? Or the traditional Web application programming model is simply inadequate?


ZK Architecture


In response to these challenges, ZK delivers the intuitive desktop programming model to Web applications with event-driven, component-based, and server-centric architecture. In addition, ZK provides the modern development of UI technologies, such markup languages to design UI without programming, scripting languages to change applications on fly, annotations and data-binding to access databases and Web services without programming.


As depicted above, ZK is composed of Client Engine running at the browser, and the Update Engine at the server. They act as pitcher and catcher. They work together to deliver events happening in the browser to the application running at the server, and update the DOM tree at the browser based on how components are manipulated by the application at the server.


At the heart, all your application codes are running at the server. Whatever events triggered by users are automatically sent to your application running at the server. Whatever you alter components running at the server are automatically updated to the visual representation at the browser. The browser is only a presentation layer of applications, no data model, neither business logic should be exposed on it.


Since the application is running at the server, it could access the backend resources directly, such as databases and Web services. There is no communication hassle or security concern to access them across the Internet.


The best way to use Ajax is not to know its existence.


Execution Flow


  • ZK Client engine sits at the browser to detect any event triggered by user's activity such as moving mouse or changing a value. Once detected, it notifies Update Engine.
  • ZK客户端引用位于浏览器中,用于查探任何有用户活动驱动的事件,例如鼠标的移动或者修改了某个值。一旦探测到事件,它便会通知ZK更新引擎。
  • Upon receiving the request from Client Engine, Update Engine updates the content of corresponding component, if necessary. And then, Update Engine notifies the application by invoking the event handlers, if any.
  • 从客户端引擎接收到请求后,如果必要,ZK更新引擎便会更新对应组件的内容。然后,如果有事件处理器,更新引擎就会通过他们来通知应用。
  • If the application chooses to change content of components, remove, add or move components, Update Engine sends the new content of altered components to Client Engine. Then, Client Engine updates the DOM tree accordingly.
  • 如果应用选择改变组件的内容,删除、增加或者移动了组件,更新引擎将会发送新的、改变了的组件到客户端引擎上。然后,客户端引擎便会相应地更新DOM树。
  • To minimize the traffic between the client and the server, multiple events are sent back to the server at once if they are deferrable.
  • 为了减少客户端和服务器端的访问,如果事件可以延时,那么会把多个时间发送回服务器端。
  • To maximize the visual effect and responsiveness, ZK provides the so-called Client Side Action that you can execute, though optional, your own JavaScript codes at the client.
  • 为了最大化视觉效果和响应能力,ZK提供了一个所谓的客户端动作,让你可以(可选的)在客户端执行你拥有的Javascript代码。

Thursday, April 24, 2008

An easy way to generate the LaTex style document

LaTex is a famous documentation preparation system. You can easily generate the user friendly user interface for your documents. You can easily navigate in LaTex generated document.

Here is a helloworld introduction for LaTex from LaTex project homepage: LaTex Introduction.

Here I just want to provide a easy and WYSIWYG way to generate HTML document.

Just follow these steps:
  • Install openoffice-org, latex, latex2html on your linux system
  • Use openoffice-org writer to open your gati-tutorial.doc
  • Export it to latex format file
  • use latex2html to generate the html style document


- Jimmy Zhao

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Friday, April 11, 2008

ApacheConEu08PresentationSlides - Apachecon Wiki

ApacheConEu08PresentationSlides Posted to Wiki

For those people who want to get them easier, please click on links below (You would probably need to register on slideshare website to access some of the slides):


Instructions for Presenters

Please either upload your presentation slides to this page, or link your presentation slides to this page. To edit this wiki, you need to have an [WWW] account. You are also encouraged to upload your slides to [WWW] SlideShare. SlideShare slides should be tagged with apacheconeu2008 and apachecon. For questions, email the ConCom planners (or find one of us at the conference.)

Training Sessions

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

System Administration Track

Java and Ajax Development Track

The Business of Open Source Track

Thursday, 10 April 2008

Web Security Track

Java, SOA and Web Services

Community and Business Track

Friday, 11 April 2008

System Administration Track

Application Development

Web Services and Web 2.0

last edited 2008-04-11 16:46:16 by DanijelTasov

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Attend ApacheConf Europe Online

Free Live Video Streaming at ApacheCon Europe 2008

If you are unable to join us in Amsterdam, no problem, just register for the live video streaming and follow the event live from your own PC. After the live transmission, you can replay your favorite talks, whenever and as often as you like. All keynote sessions and the opening plenary are available free of charge:

The talks of the following select ApacheCon Europe tracks are available for just 99 Euro: System Administration (Wednesday), Web Security (Thursday), Web Services and Web 2.0 (Friday).

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Adobe推Photoshop网络版 进军网络平台服务-设计在线-Photoshop-天极网

Adobe推Photoshop网络版 进军网络平台服务-设计在线-Photoshop-天极网




Apache Conf EU 2008 - Pre-conference day 1

I joined a half day training session called: Monitoring 2.0.

The trainer (his name is Erik Albele??) comes from German, but his can speak pretty good English.

He introduced the SNMP protocol and another open source product called Zenoss. But it's not really 2.0 I think.

Here is a highlights for Zenoss:

  • Single Integrated Product - to monitor your entire IT infrastructure
  • First Commercial Open Source CMDB - a single repository for your IT assets
  • Easy To Use Browser-Based GUI - no linux skills needed, access from anywhere
  • Enterprise-Ready Architecture - tiered architecture that scales to thousands of nodes
  • ZenPacks Framework - packaging system for Zenoss plugins, skins, etc...
  • Open Source - free, GPLv2, source code included, more...
  • New in 2.1 - Google Maps Mashup, Network Visualization, Java Apps Management, more...

It's good to know another cheap and good solution in IT management, there are lots of good features in Zenoss, like configurable templates for reports, events, metrics.

Picture below is their free release of Zenoss:

Monday, March 3, 2008

Apache Based SOA Stack

Recently I'm thinking about building a completely Apache based SOA stack by using many Apache first level projects or incubator projects. Here is a simple idea:

  • Database:
    • Derby
  • Web Server
    • Tomcat
  • Application Servers:
    • Geronimo
  • Messaging Systems:
    • ActiveMQ
  • ESB:
    • Apache CFX
    • Apache Synapse
    • Apache ServiceMix
    • Apache Mule
  • Orchestration Engine
    • Ode
  • UDDI/ebXML
    • Apache jUDDI
  • Directory Server
    • ApacheDS