This example will not solve every problem of TT and CGI::Ajax integration, only one aspect of it, the basic one, and it's not the best one I think.
Okay, let's directly go to a workable code, the default CGI:
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib qw/ . /;
use vars qw/ $vars /
use Mypackage::User;
use Mypackage::CGI;
use CGI::Ajax;
my $cgi = Mypackage::CGI->cgi; # here we wrap the template into my own CGI so that they can use together easily
my $template = Mypackage::CGI->template;
print $cgi->header;
$vars->{title} = "test ajax";
$template->process( "header.html.tmpl", $vars ) or throw( $template->error ); # just process a html template file
my $ajax = CGI::Ajax->new( 'get_reservation' => 'ajax.cgi');
print $ajax->build_html( $cgi ); # inject CGI::Ajax
$template->process( "b.html.tmpl", $vars ) or throw( $template->error ); # do anything else
$template->process( "footer.html.tmpl", $vars ) or throw( $template->error );
exit 0;
Here we request the external cgi to deal with the request:
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib qw/ . /;
use vars qw/ $vars /;
use Mypackage::User;
use Mypackage::CGI;
use CGI::Ajax;
my $cgi = Mypackage::CGI->cgi;
my $template = Mypackage::CGI->template;
print $cgi->header;
my @args = $cgi->param( 'args' );
my $team = $args[0]; # you can get more than one parameter from here
print &get_users_func($team);
sub get_users_func
my ( $team ) = @_;
my $users = new Mypackage::User();
my $teamusers = $users->get( $team);
$vars->{users} = $teamusers;# vars is the VARIABLES of TT, you can see we use the same way that passing variables in an ajax context
$template->process( "c.html.tmpl", $vars ) or throw( $template->error ); // c.html.tmpl shows a list a user in this team
return $vars->{content}; # we simply return the content of processed template, you can have other way to return the content, but this will be the simplest way I think
exit 0;
Here's the codes you need to add into your default html file (b.html.tmpl):
<input type="text" id="team" value="[% team %]">
<div id="users"></div>
<p><input type="button" name="submit" value="show all users" onclick="get_users(['team'],['users'])"/></p>